hey. what’s up? we didn’t say much during those other festivities (HAPPY NEW YEAR ok) but you know
we here at minor theater just love love

& we also need to raise $ for our june show PATHETIC
which is all about love too
& you know, pay our people & buy fake blood
so donate $50 or more HERE by feb 13 and WE’LL SEND YOUR CRUSH AN E-VALENTINE (yeah from you) on the big day.
personalized & everything. you can even choose if you want it SALTY or BITTER or just like SWEET.
or if you wanna be our 🖤 we’ll send you one direct.
(PATHETIC is our gross sexy mom / teen witch riff on racine’s phèdre coming to Abrons Arts Center in June & we are f*ing psyched to show you. meanwhile please help us out with cash.)
we want you to get what you want this time.
julia & ásta & jenny & ben
a.k.a. minor theater